"Waiting for Bojangles ***1/2Plenty of narratives have focused on amour fou; this one, adapted from Olivier Bourdeaut’s 2016 novel, addresses what happens when it collides with amour fils. In 1958, Georges (Romain Duris) and Camille (Virginie Efira) meet-cute at a fancy French Riviera party, and impulsively begin a relationship that soon results in a child. But as their son Gary (Solan Machado Graner) grows older, it becomes evident that Camille’s flamboyant personality masks a condition that, in late 1960s Paris, would not yet have been called “bipolar.” Director/co-screenwriter Régis Roinsard cleverly emphasizes the appeal of whirlwind romance in his prologue, as Georges sees only a perfect fit for his own rebellious streak without recognizing Camille’s darker side. And even once we begin getting more of Gary’s point of view, the focus is on his love for his unconventional mother and their life of wild parties and an exotic pet bird. So it’s an effective twist once it becomes clearer that Georges’ devotion to Camille is blinding him to the effects on Gary; it’s a disconcerting moment when Georges visits Camille in an asylum and finds time for some quick sex, leaving the 8-year-old boy to wander among the other inmates. Both central performances are strong and multi-layered, anchoring a cautionary tale about believing that love can conquer all, especially when a child might be part of the collateral damage. Available Sept. 9 at Broadway Centre Cinemas. (NR)"

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